What is the impact of credit score on home buying?
April 29, 2024

Owning a home is a dream for many people. But before you start house hunting, it's crucial to understand how your credit score impacts the home buying process. This guide will explain how credit scores affect your eligibility for a mortgage, the interest rates you qualify for. By understanding this essential factor, you can be better prepared for a smooth and successful home buying process.

The Role of Credit Score in Home Buying

There are two main reasons a credit score is crucial in the home buying process: it impacts lenders chances of getting approved for a mortgage, and it affects the interest rate they pay.

  1. Loan Approval:  For lenders, your credit score is a key indicator of your creditworthiness. A high score (generally above 670) tells them you have a history of making payments on time and managing debt responsibly. This makes them more confident you'll be able to repay the loan. On the other hand, a low credit score might raise red flags and make it difficult to get approved.
  2. Interest Rates:  Your credit score also plays a big role in determining the interest rate you'll be offered on your mortgage. Borrowers with good credit scores qualify for lower interest rates, which translates to significant savings over the life of the loan.  Conversely, borrowers with lower credit scores will be offered higher interest rates, making the home loan more expensive overall.

Monitoring and Managing Credit Scores

To monitor and manage their credit score effectively, individuals can follow these key strategies:

  • Regularly Check Credit Reports: Request and review credit reports from major credit bureaus like Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax at least once a year to monitor credit activity, detect errors, and prevent fraud.
  • Practice Positive Credit Behavior: Maintain low credit utilization, avoid predatory lenders, and manage a reasonable budget. Having multiple up-to-date credit accounts can help maintain a healthy credit score.
  • Use Secured Credit Cards: Consider using secured credit cards backed by a cash deposit to improve credit scores. Making timely payments towards the accrued balance can positively impact credit scores.
  • Be Patient and Diligent: Improving credit scores takes time. By following proper steps consistently, individuals can gradually see an enhancement in their credit score.
  • Pay Bills on Time: Ensure timely payments for all bills, set up automatic payments or electronic reminders to avoid missing payments, and get current and stay current to maintain a positive payment history.
  • Maintain Low Balances: Avoid getting close to the credit limit as credit scoring models consider how close individuals are to being "maxed out." Keeping balances low compared to the total credit limit is advisable.
  • Avoid Unnecessary Credit Applications: Limit credit applications to only what is needed as multiple applications in a short period can signal negative changes in economic circumstances to lenders.
  • Establish a Long Credit History: A longer credit history reflects experience over time in paying loans on time, which can positively impact credit scores. Keeping old credit card accounts open and in check is essential.

By following these practices, individuals can effectively monitor and manage their credit scores.

Impact of Credit Score on Home Buying

The credit score significantly impacts the home buying process by influencing various aspects of securing a mortgage and determining the terms of the loan. Here are the key points regarding the impact of credit scores on home buying:

  • Lenders assess borrowers' creditworthiness using credit scores, impacting mortgage eligibility. Lower scores may restrict borrowing options and lead to higher rates or requiring private mortgage insurance.
  • Credit scores reflect financial stability and payment history, crucial for lenders evaluating a borrower's debt management capability during home buying.
  • Credit scores influence the down payment needed. FHA loans may accept lower scores, but conventional mortgages typically demand higher scores for better terms and lower down payments.
  • Higher credit scores usually result in lower mortgage interest rates. Lenders offer favorable rates to those with excellent credit, reducing overall loan costs.
  • Initially, obtaining a mortgage may lower a credit score, but it typically rebounds within a year. This suggests that mortgages don't significantly impair long-term credit access.

Minimum Credit Score for Mortgage Loans

The minimum credit score requirements for various types of mortgage loans are as follows:

Conventional Loan: A minimum credit score of 620 is typically required for a conventional loan.

FHA Loan:

  • For an FHA loan with a 3.5% down payment, a minimum credit score of 580 is needed.
  • For an FHA loan with a 10% down payment, the minimum credit score requirement is between 500 and 579.

VA Loan: There is no industry-standard credit score requirement for VA loans, but most lenders require a credit score of 580 or higher.

USDA Loan: While there is no USDA minimum credit score requirement, most lenders typically require a credit score of 640 or higher for USDA loans.

Jumbo Loan: Most lenders require a credit score of 680 or higher for jumbo loans.

These minimum credit score requirements vary depending on the type of mortgage loan, with conventional loans typically having higher credit score requirements compared to government-backed loans like FHA and VA loans.

Can adding a cosigner improve the chances of mortgage loan approval with a low credit score?

Yes, a cosigner can significantly boost the chances of mortgage loan approval for someone with a low credit score. Here's why:

Strengthens Application: A cosigner with a strong credit history and stable finances acts as a safety net for the lender. Their good credit score gets factored into the application, making the overall profile more attractive and reducing the perceived risk of default.

Better Loan Terms: With a cosigner's backing, the borrower might qualify for a lower interest rate and potentially more favorable loan terms like a smaller down payment or a longer loan term. This translates to significant savings and potentially more manageable monthly payments.

Important Points to Remember

  • Cosigner Requirements: The cosigner themself needs to meet the lender's minimum credit score requirements, which can vary but are generally higher than the borrower's minimum.
  • Cosigner on the Hook: The cosigner is legally responsible for the loan if the borrower defaults on payments. This can negatively impact their credit score and finances.
  • Clear Communication: Before involving a cosigner, ensure clear communication about expectations and potential risks.

Mortgage Insurance and Credit Score Cost

Mortgage insurance is typically required in two scenarios:

  1. Conventional Loan with Down Payment Less Than 20%: If a down payment of less than 20% of the home's purchase price is made on a conventional loan, private mortgage insurance (PMI) is usually necessary. PMI serves to protect the lender in case of default on the loan.
  2. FHA Loan: Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loans, commonly utilized by first-time homebuyers with lower down payments, mandate mortgage insurance premiums (MIP). Unlike PMI, MIP remains obligatory throughout the loan's life as long as the loan-to-value (LTV) ratio surpasses a particular threshold.

Credit Score Impacts PMI Cost

For conventional loans with PMI, credit score significantly influences the insurance cost. Here's the breakdown:

  • Higher Credit Score = Lower PMI: Borrowers with excellent or very good credit scores (typically above 740) usually qualify for the most economical PMI rates.
  • Lower Credit Score = Higher PMI: Borrowers with fair or poor credit scores (below 670) end up paying a higher premium for PMI, sometimes substantially more than those with excellent credit.

This is because a lower credit score signifies a heightened default risk for the lender, and PMI serves to mitigate that risk. By paying a higher premium, borrowers with lower credit scores can still qualify for a mortgage but at a greater overall expense.

FHA MIP and Credit Score

The cost of FHA MIP is distinct. It's determined by the down payment amount, loan term, and loan amount, but not directly influenced by credit score. There is a slight premium increase for FHA loans with a down payment of less than 10%, but otherwise, credit score doesn't affect the MIP cost for FHA loans.


Credit scores wield significant influence over the home buying process. From determining eligibility and interest rates to affecting loan terms and affordability, understanding the nuances of credit scores is crucial for prospective homebuyers. By mastering the intricacies outlined in this guide, individuals can navigate the home buying journey with confidence and make informed decisions that align with their financial goals.