What are the best mortgage types for home buying? Expert's tips!
April 30, 2024

Looking to buy a home and wondering how to choose the right mortgage type? There's a wide array of options available, each tailored to different needs and financial situations. From conventional loans to government-backed options, here's a overview of common mortgage types. Each type has its pros and cons, so assess your needs wisely before deciding.

Types of mortgages available:

When considering mortgages, there are various types to choose from, each catering to different needs and financial situations.

Here are some common types of mortgages:

•Conventional Loans: Ideal for borrowers with good credit scores.

•Jumbo Loans: Suited for those looking to buy more expensive homes.

•Government-Backed Loans: Best for borrowers with lower credit scores and minimal down payment capabilities.

•Fixed-Rate Mortgages: Offer a predictable monthly payment throughout the loan term.

•Adjustable-Rate Mortgages: Suitable for those not planning to stay in the home long-term or seeking lower initial payments

Other less common types include:

•Balloon Mortgages: Require a large payment at the end of the loan term.

•Portfolio Loans: Lenders keep these loans in-house, offering more flexible requirements.

•Renovation Mortgages: Combine purchase and renovation costs into one loan.

•Physician Loans: Tailored for healthcare professionals with high debt.

•Non-Qualifying Loans: Offer more lenient credit and income requirementsEach type has its pros and cons, so it's essential to assess your needs before making a decision.

Pros and cons of fixed-rate mortgages:

Fixed-rate mortgages offer stability and predictability, but they also come with their own set of advantages and disadvantages. Here are the pros and cons of fixed-rate mortgages:


•Predictability: With a fixed-rate mortgage, you know exactly how much interest you will pay over the term of the loan. Your total monthly payment of principal and interest remains fixed, providing financial predictability.

•Lower Monthly Payments: Compared to shorter-term mortgages, fixed-rate mortgages often have lower monthly payments, making them more affordable for many borrowers.

•Flexibility: Fixed-rate mortgages allow you to pay off your loan faster if you have the financial capability to do so. This flexibility can help you reduce your interest costs over time.


•Higher Interest Rates: One primary disadvantage of a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage is that it usually comes with a higher interest rate compared to shorter-term loans. This results in paying more in interest over the life of the loan.

•Slower Equity Accumulation: Home equity accumulates at a slower pace with fixed-rate mortgages due to the extended loan term, impacting the rate at which you build equity in your home.

•Reduced Affordability for Some: Higher monthly payments associated with fixed-rate mortgages can make them more challenging to qualify for compared to longer-term loans, limiting the number of homes some individuals can afford.

While fixed-rate mortgages provide stability and lower initial payments, they may not be suitable for everyone based on individual financial situations and preferences.

How do adjustable-rate mortgages work?

An Adjustable-Rate Mortgage (ARM) is a home loan featuring an interest rate that varies over time based on market conditions. ARMs commence with a lower initial interest rate compared to fixed-rate mortgages, making them appealing for individuals seeking reduced initial payments.

These mortgages consist of two primary periods: a fixed period, typically spanning 5, 7, or 10 years, during which the interest rate remains constant, providing stability and lower payments; and an adjustment period following the fixed term, wherein the interest rate can fluctuate periodically based on market conditions, potentially altering monthly payments.

Understanding interest-only mortgages:

Interest-only mortgages are commonly structured as adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs), offering fixed-rate interest-only terms before converting to fully amortized payments, while fixed-rate interest-only mortgages are less common. At the end of the interest-only term, borrowers have options like refinancing, selling the home, or making lump sum payments towards the principal. Advantages include lower initial payments and increased cash flow, but drawbacks include limited equity buildup and potential payment increases afterward.

Calculating monthly mortgage payments:

To calculate monthly mortgage payments, you can use a mortgage calculator that takes into account factors like the loan amount, interest rate, and term length. Here's a general overview of how to calculate monthly mortgage payments:

Principal Loan Amount (P): This is the amount you borrow from the lender.

Monthly Interest Rate (i): Lenders provide an annual rate, which needs to be divided by 12 to get the monthly rate.For example, if your annual interest rate is 5%, the monthly rate would be 0.05/12=0.004167.

Number of Payments (n): Multiply the number of years in your loan term by 12 to get the total number of payments. For a 30-year fixed mortgage, this would be 30×12=360 payments.

The formula to calculate monthly mortgage payments manually is:

M=P  i(1+i)n            



M = Total monthly mortgage payment

P = Principal loan amount

i = Monthly interest rate

n = Number of payments over the loan's lifetime

Using a mortgage calculator can simplify this process by allowing you to input the home price, down payment, loan term, interest rate, and other relevant details to estimate your monthly mortgage payment accurately.

How to determine affordability for a mortgage?

To gauge mortgage affordability, individuals can utilize online calculators provided by financial institutions like U.S. Bank, Chase, and Zillow. These tools factor in income, expenses, down payment, and desired mortgage terms to estimate a suitable house price. Key steps include considering debt-to-income ratios, front-end and back-end ratios, factoring in additional costs, and getting prequalified for a mortgage.

When should you consider refinancing your mortgage?

Refinancing a mortgage can be a strategic financial move, but it's essential to assess your situation carefully. Here are key considerations on when to consider refinancing your mortgage based on the provided information:

•Lower Interest Rates: Refinancing is often beneficial when you can reduce your interest rate by 1% or more. Experts suggest that even a half-point reduction can be advantageous, especially for larger loan amounts.

•Long-Term Benefits: Calculate your breakeven point to determine if refinancing is worth it. This point is when the savings from refinancing exceed the closing costs. For example, if you save $150 per month with a $5,000 refinance cost, your breakeven point would be around 33 months.

•Cash Needs: If you require cash for expenses and would otherwise resort to high-APR credit cards, a cash-out refinance might be a better option due to lower interest rates on mortgage loans compared to credit cards.

Avoid Refinancing: There are scenarios where refinancing may not be advisable:

•Just purchased the house: Refinancing immediately after buying a home can lead to paying closing costs twice and potential prepayment penalties.

•Inability to secure a lower interest rate: Refinancing might not be wise if it results in a significantly higher interest rate.

•Low credit score: A low credit score could lead to higher interest rates, reducing the potential savings from refinancing.Before deciding to refinance, it's crucial to conduct a cost-benefit analysis, understand the different refinancing options available, and consider factors like closing costs, loan terms, and potential savings.

How do current interest rates affect mortgage options?

Current interest rates significantly impact mortgage options for borrowers, influencing affordability, refinancing opportunities, and borrowing costs. Lower rates mean lower monthly payments and increased savings, while higher rates can limit purchasing power and affordability. Economic factors like inflation and market conditions drive interest rate fluctuations, requiring borrowers to stay informed to make strategic decisions about buying or refinancing homes.

Factors to consider when choosing a bank for a mortgage:

When selecting a bank for a mortgage, consider several crucial factors to secure the best deal. Here's what to keep in mind:

1. Interest Rate: Lower rates mean lower payments and more savings over time.

2. Fees: Be aware of additional fees that can impact the total cost of the loan.

3. Eligibility Criteria: Ensure you meet the bank's requirements for income and credit score.

4. Reputation: Research the bank's reputation for reliability and customer service.

5. Customer Service: Choose a bank known for responsive and helpful support.

6. Turnaround Time: Compare processing times to find a bank that can act quickly.

7. Flexibility: Seek a bank offering flexible repayment options to adapt to changing circumstances.

8. Pre-Approval: Look for banks that offer pre-approval to streamline the homebuying process.

9. Insurance Options: Understand insurance offerings for property protection.

10. Extra Benefits: Explore additional perks like cashback or discounts to maximize savings.


By leveraging the insights provided in this blog, you can know the process of choosing the best mortgage for your home purchase. Whether you're a first-time homebuyer or a seasoned homeowner, understanding the intricacies of mortgage types, financial considerations, loan terms, market analysis, and lender selection is key to achieving your homeownership goals.