What are the legal dos and don'ts when it comes to including floor plans in property listings?

In the current competitive real estate industry, floor plans serve as a crucial asset. They offer prospective buyers a comprehensive insight into the layout of a property, a detail that photographs alone may not fully convey. Nevertheless, the utilization of floor plans can potentially give rise to legal issues, particularly about copyright infringement.

This resource gives a basic understanding of the legal considerations associated with employing floor plans, as well as best practices to effectively understand this legal requirement.

Let's understand Floor Plans in Property Listings:

What are Floor Plans in Property Listings?

A floor plan is a scale drawing that shows the relationship between rooms, spaces, and physical features viewed from above. It provides a way to visualize how people will move through the space and makes it easier to check if the space is suitable for its intended purpose and exhibit plans.

Why Are Floor Plans Important for Real Estate?

Floor plans play a crucial role in real estate by offering a concise layout of a property.Below is why floor plans are important in property listings:

  • Visualization: They help potential buyers visualize the property layout and understand how they would utilize the space.
  • Highlighting Features: Floor plans can showcase the best features of a home, making it stand out in the market.
  • Second Most Important Feature: Surveys indicate that floor plans are the second most important feature buyers look for in property listings after photos.
  • Increasing Interest: Potential buyers are more likely to show interest in a property with a floor plan, according to studies.
  • Quick Assessment: Buyers can quickly check if the property meets their top needs and wishes, such as the layout of rooms and the size of the kitchen.
  • Emotional Connection: Floor plans help potential buyers envision themselves living in the property, establishing an emotional connection.
  • Time Savings: They help save time by attracting serious buyers who can quickly determine if the property meets their requirements.
  • Targeted Marketing: Professional floor plans can attract a more targeted group of visitors, leading to a more competitive selling situation.

Overall, floor plans helps to make informed decisions, and facilitate faster and more successful sales in the real estate market.

How to Create Floor Plans in Property Listings for Real Estate?

Crafting floor plans for real estate listings serves as a pivotal tool benefiting both buyers and sellers. These plans offer an intricate depiction of a property's physical structure, delineating room locations, dimensions, doorways, windows, and other architectural attributes.

  1. Selecting Floor Plan Software: A plethora of floor plan software options exist, encompassing both free and paid versions. Among the popular choices are Cedreo, SketchUp Pro, Floorplanner, Planner 5D, and SmartDraw. These software packages boast various features, including 2D and 3D image capturing capabilities, intuitive drag-and-drop functions for furnishings, doors, windows, and the ability to generate both 2D and 3D visuals to share with clients.
  1. Measurement Procedure: Achieving precision in floor plans necessitates meticulous property dimension measurements. This can be accomplished using a tape measure or laser measure. It entails gauging the length and width of each room, as well as pinpointing the placement of doors, windows, and other architectural elements.
  1. Drafting the Floor Plan: Employing the selected software, draft the floor plan based on the obtained measurements. Commence by outlining the exterior walls, then proceed to incorporate interior walls, doors, and windows. Ensure inclusion of any notable architectural features, such as fireplaces or built-in shelving.
  1. Incorporating Details: Upon establishing the foundational floor plan, integrate additional details like furniture, appliances, and fixtures. This aids potential buyers in envisioning the space and evaluating its suitability to their requirements.
  1. Review and Adjustment: Thoroughly scrutinize the floor plan to ascertain accuracy and alignment with the property listing's objectives. Implement any requisite edits or modifications.
  1. Sharing the Floor Plan: Upon finalizing the floor plan, disseminate it to prospective buyers as part of the property listing. This serves to bolster engagement with the listing and attract a broader pool of potential buyers.

The inclusion of floor plans in real estate listings furnishes an essential element of transparency that enhances buyer confidence. With technological advancements, obtaining floor plans has become more streamlined and efficient. Many photographers and real estate agents leverage apps and tools leveraging LIDAR technology, integrated into smartphones, to swiftly and precisely create floor plans.

Benefits of using designer tool for floor plans:

Using a designer tool for creating floor plans in property listings can provide numerous benefits for both real estate agents and potential buyers. Here are some of the key advantages of using a designer tool for floor plans:

1. Enhanced Visualization: A designer tool can help create accurate and detailed floor plans that provide a clear understanding of the property's layout, including the number and size of rooms, the location of windows and doors, and the flow of traffic throughout the space. This information helps buyers visualize the space and make informed decisions.

2. Increased Engagement: A well-designed floor plan can communicate how the property can fit the buyer's needs and lifestyle. For example, a family with young children may prefer a floor plan that has an open living area and bedrooms located on the same floor. By providing accurate and detailed floor plans, sellers can highlight the unique features of their properties and give potential buyers a better sense of what sets them apart from others on the market.

3. Improved Marketing: A professional floor plan is an excellent marketing tool that can be used on various platforms and social media channels to attract potential buyers. By including accurate and detailed floor plans in their listings, agents can differentiate their properties from others on the market and attract more potential buyers.

4. Time-Saving: A designer tool can help create floor plans quickly and efficiently, saving time for both real estate agents and potential buyers. By providing a clear overview of the property, floor plans can help buyers understand the size and scale of the property and how one can move through it, without having to physically visit the property.

5. Better Communication: A designer tool can help real estate agents communicate more effectively with buyers and sellers, as they provide a common language for discussing the property's layout and features. By using a designer tool, agents can ensure that the floor plans are accurate and detailed, which can help avoid misunderstandings and miscommunications.

Using a designer tool for creating floor plans in property listings can provide numerous benefits for both real estate agents and potential buyers. By providing accurate and detailed floor plans, agents can enhance visualization, increase engagement, improve marketing, save time, and communicate more effectively with buyers and sellers.

Copyright Law and Floor Plans:

One of the most important legal considerations when using floor plans in property listings is copyright law. Architectural works, including floor plans, are protected by copyright law, which means that creating and using floor plans without permission from the copyright owner can result in costly lawsuits.

To avoid copyright infringement, it is essential to obtain permission from the copyright owner before creating or using a floor plan. This can be done by contacting the architect or designer who created the plan, or by purchasing a license to use the plan from a stock plan provider.

It is also important to note that creating a floor plan of a property that you own does not automatically give you the right to use or distribute that plan. If the plan was created by an architect or designer, they retain the copyright to the plan, and you must obtain their permission to use it.

Important Note: Copyright law can be complex, and fair use is determined on a case-by-case basis.

Industry Standards for Accuracy and Detail:

In addition to complying with copyright law, it is also essential to meet industry standards for accuracy and detail when creating and using floor plans in property listings. Accurate property measurements and detailed schematic floor plans are required by law in many jurisdictions, including the state of North Carolina, and are essential for providing potential buyers and renters with a clear understanding of the layout and size of a space.

The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) has established specific guidelines for the measurement of residential properties, which must be followed to be compliant with industry standards. These guidelines include measuring to the exterior walls of the property, excluding unfinished spaces such as attics and basements, and rounding measurements to the nearest foot.

Detailed schematic floor plans should include room dimensions, door and window locations, and any other relevant information such as property orientation, area, appliance locations, and more. Colored commercial floor plans can also be useful for complex layouts and planning projects, with color used to indicate different types of zones, uses, or functions.

MLS and ANSI Compliant Measurements:

When it comes to real estate listings, accuracy and attention to detail are crucial. Accurate property measurements and detailed schematic floor plans can provide potential buyers with a clear understanding of the layout and size of a space, allowing them to envision themselves living in the property.

MLS (Multiple Listing Service) and ANSI compliant measurements are essential for providing accurate and detailed property measurements. MLS is a database of property listings maintained by real estate professionals, and ANSI is the American National Standards Institute, which sets guidelines for measuring residential properties.

Including floor plans in property listings alongside MLS and ANSI compliant measurements provides numerous benefits to both agents and potential buyers. For agents, it can help to streamline the listing process and make properties more attractive to potential buyers. Accurate floor plans offer a more comprehensive view of a property, aiding potential buyers in understanding its layout and size. This comprehensive information can help to avoid misunderstandings and miscommunications about the size of a property, ultimately preventing time-consuming and costly disputes.

For potential buyers, accurate property measurements and detailed schematic floor plans provide a clear understanding of the layout and size of a space, allowing them to make informed decisions about whether a property will meet their needs. Accurate square footage is one of the most important pieces of information for potential buyers, and professional home measurements can ensure that the square footage listed on an MLS listing is accurate and compliant with ANSI standards.

Common Floor Plan Mistakes to Avoid:

When creating a custom floor plan, there are several common mistakes that people make that can be easily avoided. These mistakes can lead to costly errors and regret later on, so it is essential to be aware of them and take steps to avoid them.

One common mistake is creating an unwelcoming foyer. The foyer is the first impression that guests have of a home, so it is essential to make it welcoming and inviting. Consider how guests will move around in the foyer and think about what focal point you want them to see from the front door.

Another common mistake is having the kitchen and garage on opposite sides of the house. This can make it difficult to bring groceries into the house and can lead to a lot of unnecessary foot traffic through the home.

Lack of adequate storage is also a common mistake. Make sure to include plenty of storage space in your floor plan, including closets, pantries, and cabinets.

Legal Considerations for Commercial Floor Plans:

When designing commercial floor plans, it is important to take into account various legal considerations. Commercial floor plans must adhere to local building codes and regulations, as well as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other accessibility standards. Safety should also be a top priority, with clear exit paths and emergency exits clearly marked, as well as the inclusion of fire alarms, sprinklers, and other safety features.

In addition to meeting legal requirements, commercial floor plans should also prioritize functionality and efficiency. This may involve creating separate areas for different types of work or activities, designing the space to maximize natural light and ventilation, and incorporating technology and other features to enhance productivity and comfort.

To ensure that you are using floor plans in property listings responsibly, here are some best practices to follow:

a) Obtain written permission from the property owner before creating or using a floor plan for marketing purposes. This not only respects their rights but also strengthens their legal position.

b) Keep floor plans simple and focus solely on the interior layout of the property. Avoid including architectural details or intricate drawings that could be copyrighted.

c) If a property incorporates a unique architectural design, obtain written permission from the copyright owner before using a floor plan.

d) If you face a copyright infringement claim, consult with a lawyer specializing in intellectual property. They can guide you on the fair use defense and develop a strategic response.

By following these best practices, you can ensure that you are using floor plans legally and responsibly.

Beyond Legality:

Using floor plans offers more than just legal compliance. They can actually enhance your listings in several ways:

  • Improved SEO: Including keywords related to "floor plans" and "layouts" can attract a more targeted audience searching for specific property configurations.
  • Increased Engagement: Visual elements like floor plans capture attention and keep potential buyers engaged with your listings for longer, potentially improving search engine ranking.

Technology Makes Floor Plans Easier:

Several technological solutions exist to simplify the creation and use of floor plans in property listings. User-friendly tools allow for easy drafting, while other platforms integrate seamlessly with listing platforms. These tools streamline the process and ensure transparency and efficiency in real estate transactions.


Floor plans are a valuable asset for real estate professionals, offering a clear picture of a property's layout and boosting engagement. By understanding the copyright considerations and following best practices, you can leverage floor plans in property listings effectively and ethically, making your listings stand out in a competitive market. Also, consider visiting reAlpha's AI-based property description tool GenA's page [] to learn more about how AI can streamline your listing creation process.

Additional Resources:

The United States Copyright Office offers a helpful resource on fair use:

Remember, this blog post provides general information and shouldn't be considered legal advice. Always consult with a qualified professional for specific legal concerns.